Friday, January 18, 2019

When and How to Give Children Choices

Accomplished child psychologist Dr. Beth Grosshans retired from her private Princeton, New Jersey practice and now leads informative workshops and lectures on parenting, child development, and positive family dynamics. In her book Beyond Time Out: From Chaos to Calm, Dr. Beth Grosshans details several areas where family dynamics can become imbalanced, including during any decision-making process.

Giving children too many or inappropriate choices is a common parenting mistake that can inadvertently cause anxiety in children and lead to disruptive behaviors. In a misguided attempt to promote independence, parents may give children the power to make a decision that is beyond their cognitive or emotional capacity. 

Also, parents may not be consistent with the types of choices a child can make, for example, allowing them to choose their dinner one night, but not the next. This can cause confusion for the child and result in boundary-testing behavior. 

Instead, parents should only offer a child a choice between two to three options for age-appropriate decisions. If a child cannot grasp the implications of the decision, then it should be left to the parents to decide. Some examples of age-appropriate decisions include a three year old choosing one of three sweaters to wear, or a 10 year old deciding between setting the table or washing the dishes.

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