Thursday, July 30, 2020

Three Types of Behavioral Disorders In Children

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Bed-Wetting Management In Children And Motivational Therapy

A retired clinical child psychologist, Dr. Beth Grosshans taught child development at Princeton Center for Teacher Education. Based in New Jersey, Beth Grosshans, Ph.D., has written a book on the parent/child relationship.

Also known as nighttime incontinence or nocturnal enuresis, bed-wetting refers to involuntary urination during sleep in a person that has reached the age where this is expected to have stopped (age 7). Some parents prevent this by helping their children set an alarm for toilet use at night, and most children get fully adapted to this training by age 5. If bed-wetting persists for a long time, it can result in emotional problems such as low self-esteem, and behavioral disorders. Aside from addressing the emotional and behavioral problems associated with bed-wetting, psychological management has been hypothesized to be helpful stop bed-wetting. In the past years, several studies were done to compare the efficacy of motivational therapy in treating enuresis.

In 1991, a randomized controlled trial was done on two groups to evaluate the effect of motivational therapy in managing bed-wetting. One category had a 3-step management program (which involved child encouragement, bladder retention training, and behavioral training), and the other group received the 3-step program plus motivational therapy where each child discussed problems with a psychiatrist. At the end of the study, 84.4 percent of the motivational therapy group, and 66.7 percent of the 3-step program group achieved 14 consecutive dry nights.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

United Against Poverty Helps Clients Regain Independence

The New Jersey-based author of Beyond Time Out: From Chaos to Calm, retired child psychologist Dr. Beth Grosshans helps parents develop strategies to establish boundaries with children and create a more balanced family dynamic. Additionally, Dr. Beth Grosshans serves on the steering committee for United Against Poverty, a charitable organization that offers resources for Florida residents living in poverty.

Since 2003, United Against Poverty has worked to break cycles of poverty by operating food assistance programs throughout southern Florida. In addition to emergency food supplies and highly subsidized groceries, the organization operates the Success Training for Employment Program (STEP) to address the root causes of poverty. Through career training and coaching, the program equips clients with skills that help them regain dignity and become self-reliant.

Often, United Against Poverty clients give back to the organization by volunteering, in the process learning organizational and administrative skills required for nonprofit work. When job openings arise, United Against Poverty often hires from this volunteer pool in order to further empower and uplift its clients.